Project Description
Client: Centex Homes/ San Bernardino County Flood Control District
Location: Fontana, CA
Project: Hawker-Crawford Flood Control Channel
The Hawker-Crawford Channel is located in the city of Fontana and consists of approximately 2 miles of concrete box and open trapezoidal channel. The project extends the storm drain box in Summit Avenue and Frontage Road to San Bernardino Flood Control Basin No. 5. The project also included the construction of several levies to divert drainage from local tributaries of Lytle Creek to the Hawker-Crawford Channel.
The Challenges
Albus & Associates, Inc., was retained to prepare a soils investigation of the project area that was used in the design of the Hawker-Crawford channel and associates levies. This investigation included numerous backhoe test pits and borings to examine the underlying soil conditions and collect soil samples for laboratory testing. Samples were tested in our laboratory to determine engineering characteristics and design parameters.
During construction, representatives of Albus & Associates, Inc., were present to observe and test the contractor’s work for compliance to our recommendations. Our services consisted of providing soils engineering and materials testing for construction of the channel and associated levies. Our services included verification of suitable ground for support of the structures; inspection and sampling of fresh concrete placed for the box and trapezoidal structures, preparation of concrete compression specimens, performing concrete compression tests to verify specified strengths, and observation and testing of the structural backfill placed around the structures and levies.